Monday 27 January 2014

Big Things Start Small

We hear everywhere without naming that if so and so becomes CM India would be governed well. In short there are 3 candidates whom we are looking forward to change the face of India.... very amusing...

120 crore people and only 1 person... 

bahut be-insaaifi hey ... 

Is it that one person is going to roam around street to street and improve the conditions?

Is it that the other 776 MP (Rajya and LOK sabha) elected members / around 4000 MLA and around 8000 IAS officers are going to change with one man?

How foolish we are that we think that we are a democratic country but need a king to rule us.

Democracy is government of the people , for the people and by the people.

please note "BY" the people.

I am not pro Kejriwal... but surprisingly we are sitting as bystanders and commenting on the intentions of Arvind Kejriwal / trying to authenticate Modi's viability etc etc..

eventually they are not the people who are going to rule India... we are ... and our constitution gives us the right to do that...

I always had the mental block that election cannot be won without strong financial backing... but Arwind proved it wrong... for me that was enough...

tomorrow there can be no Arwind  no Modi and no Rahul Gandhi... but India was there is there and will be there... and so are their citizens ... so as citizens we need to improve ourselves... we need to bring about the change ... we need to repay back the nation...

and the moment we say something needs to be done we get paralyzed with the thought that it is not possible.. how can we bring about a change... it is a very big task and who has the time...

Change is not a volcano which has to erupt .. it is an attitude .. which starts small.. and we need to start small to have a big change...

Big things start small.... 

let us all pledge to do something even if it be small towards improving the nation and as well as humanity..

small small things like right to vote ... right to ask... right to information... right to question... 

and this thing starts with attitudinal change.. before pointing at the officers / ministers we should first look inside us and ask "ARE WE CORRUPT"... if the answer is yes ... the change starts within.... 

think about it ..... !!!!

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