Sunday 26 July 2015

Responsibility to create a fearless society

When i was i think in 5th or 6th standard i read a story but it is etched in my mind ....
there was a sadhu who had a beautiful horse... the beauty and glamour of horse spread far and wide... the so called King of the state heard about it and approached the sadhu ...the sadhu said this is my child and i do not sell my child at any price... the king felt unhappy but wanted the horse badly .... so one day he posed as a beggar in need of medical help on the route of the sadhu's daily horse ride ... the sadhu empathized and got down from his horse and asked the beggar what his problem was ... the beggar said he is suffering and needs medical help but cannot walk .... the sadhu felt pity and let the beggar ride the horse and the sadhu walked besides so that he can take the beggar to nearest vaidh... the beggar taking the chance when the sadhu was unaware kicked the horse and started running away with the horse.... the sadhu shouted " come back please come back" ... the king (beggar) sensing victory came back and said " O Sadhu now that i have the horse i m not going to return it to you. i had offered you the price but you declined. and now i own the horse"
the sadhu replied " Son you can own the horse ... but my humble request .... please do not share this incidence with any body ... because if you do so people will stop believing in humanity and never help any person in distress.. and that for me would be a greater loss... "
what do you think the king did .... anybody's guess...
but what does our media today do...
spread fear and distress
quote unquote " India is the rape capital" statistically India does not figure in top 20 countries per population even when India is 2nd in population.
India is diabetes capital ... having 1/6 of the population in the world no doubts it will have 1/6th of the diseases
so and so called taxi services are bad ... no doubt if you have 100000 drivers 1 can be bad .... and that too is par below average to so called developed nations ..
the list goes endless .... today "business" is linked with fear...
people spend lakh's .. takes loans etc to protect their fears and that has become business today...
where is the responsibility towards building a fearless society as Rabindra Nath Tagore said in his poem ...
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.......!!!

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