Tuesday 18 June 2019

Why is death necessary..

One of biggest fears of any creation is death. We are so attached to this life that the very thought of death scares us. Have we ever wondered why? 
A) Uncertainty, because we don't know what's beyond life.
B) We are so much attached to this worldly experience that we don't want to leave it.

If that's the case why did God , Universe or whatever you may call created death, and if at all we need to die then why live at all.

This question bothered me for long and led to lot of introspection.

Well in the first place why are we living ? 

Universe/ God created this universal experience zone and wanted us to experience his creation and hence he created consciousness. Consciousness can only be created/ experienced when there is duality that is positive and negative , heat and cold , day and night , ego and love etc. There can be no conscious experience without duality.

Let me give you an analagy. 

Why do we see things? 

Because there is light. Correct. 

What if there was only light and no darkness. Just imagine we won't be able to see anything except a bright light. And same in case there was no light. We would be only seeing darkness everywhere. 

The most amazing part is not this , but the fact that we would have lived and died without even knowing what is light and darkness. How will we know that black is darkness if there was no light. Intriguing .

Now coming back to point , we got consciousness to experience the creation of universe but at the same time our soul always guides us to just watch the creation as a movie and not to get attached. Universe also gave us memory so that we can survive and co-create. 

What is watching the creation without getting attached? 

It is to become non judgemental. 

And universe gave us free will. 

Free will is like a sword. We can use it any which way. And we used it the wrong way. 

We became judgemental. Why he did like that to me? Why this is so? Why I fail? He is my dad , my mom , my wife , my friend , my enemy , my foe ...etc etc .. we get so much attached by being judgemental that we slowly progress from abundance to scarcity.

When we are born as a child did we have any of these judgemental emotions? No.

We had abundance. We were well fed , we laughed , we cried , we slept away to glory and we smiled. 

And as we grew older we started carrying burden of memories , mostly bad and revengeful to such an extent that we destroyed all abundance. 

In IT we say that if a cumputer hangs due to virus and cannot be cleaned the last resort is to format it. 

Death is nothing but reformating the harddisk and installing new softwares again. And we are back to abundance. 

It is Universal way of removing old memories. 

The day we realize that way to abundance is to forget and forgive .. we will not only live consciously but also we can control our life and death. Then it actually doesn't matter. 

So if we want to live healthy, with longitivity and abundance try forgiveness...

My suggestion to people who are obsessed with past life regression, don't do it unless very urgent. It is like poking the bees nest. 

Let me explain with an analagy. 

If 2 friends met and they slightly remember that one owed some money to other, but don't know how much. They can reconcile and forgive, forget fast and catch up again.

But if they went into past details and one friend found that the actual money is in lakhs .. Knowingly he won't be able to forget and forgive  ..

Doing past life regression is like opening old wounds .. dont do it if you are not matured enough to handle ..

Rather the best way is to forget and forgive .. love everyone and live happily and with abundance.. it is our birth right to live an abundant Life ...



  1. Very nice message Arun...

  2. Good one.one life is sufficient to learn your lessons.....no need to overanalyse and getting disturbed unnecessarily.

  3. Living now is the only way.
    When we die , we die! Why over think about it.
    Agree totally with you

  4. Live life with natural flow.Iagree with you.

  5. This is all about one perception, the more u go in depth,the more u will discover about life - death n all.
