Sunday 21 July 2019

Spirituality Simplified

The prime requirement for any conversation is, there should be a speaker and a listener ..
If that's so how do we talk to ourselves..

Who is the talker and the listener ? 

All our self talks are between ego ( ego only rides on the body .. a dead man has no ego ..) and the spirit ( or soul whatever we may say .. a dead man will still have a soul .. it is said that even when body dies the soul still hasn't left the body .. stopping of breath and heart beat is just a start not the end .. ).

Just analyze a typical self talk ..
You see an accident victim .. 
Spirit guides : Go help him 
Ego says : I want to but don't want to mess with police 
Spirit: But that person needs your help 
Ego : There are so many there, somebody will help , why should I get entangled? Anyways I am getting late for office ! 

And ego won.. but the conscience is suffering.. all along the journey the conscience (or the soul experience) will keep pinching you .. till the time either you bow down to the soul calling ( soul calling is a very widely used misunderstood word. The soul always calls us .. we don't listen to it because of fear and lack of faith ) or we shut up the soul guidance  forever.

Now watch the self talk of a hardened criminal 

He gets a contract to kill a person, he goes there and shoots him. 
No self talk .. because whenever the soul wanted to guide him he won the argument by giving logics and one day soul stopped guiding him. 
Now please don't mistake here that the soul stops guiding anyone. The soul always guides the ego.. only difference here is there is so much other noises around the body that the ego is unable to hear the soul. 

That's why it is said 
Spend some time with yourself and you would find a amazing person ..

Hence being spiritual is not making others happy , giving service to others , helping others , or going to Temple , Church , Gurudwara or Mosque , it is non of these. They are the karma's of our body. As long as body is there we can perform these task. Try doing all the above without a body.

Being spiritual is not an outside process. It is an internal process. 

In simple words the more we start listening to our Soul and the more we develop faith in what our Soul guides us, the more we will come closer to our Soul. And the love affair with our Soul will start. 
The best soulmate of ours is we ourselves. 

The day we will actually merge with our Soul .. all self talk stops .. and we attain permanent moksha ..

Because if we do what our body/ego wants , that will develop karma and all karma needs to be countered hence we take rebirth.

But if we do what our Soul says it brings no karma effect, and we reduce our karmic baggage to the minimum and one day when we have 0 karmic baggage we attain permanent bliss.

The journey of human being is to go as closer to our Soul as possible.. that's spirituality.

Do we need a spiritual coach ? 

Yes because we are our bad masters. We need someone outside to discipline us. 

Who is the best guru ? 
Any one who has started this journey and is ahead of you to start with. 
And as you come closer to your soul then the soul takes over ..

Our Soul is our best guru ..

Start your soul search by starting meditation.

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